Information for Voters Challenged in Election Protest
Meeting Notices:
The Board of Elections Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 6 pm has been cancelled. The next scheduled Board of Elections Regular meeting should be held on April 8, 2025. The meeting will be held at the Board of Elections' Office located at 333 Winfall Boulevard, Hertford, NC 27944. The Agenda will be posted at a later date.
Perquimans Convenience Sites will operate on longer summer hours effective Monday, March 10, 2025, through Saturday, November 1, 2025. Summer hours are 7 am – 7 pm, Monday – Saturday and 1 – 6 pm Sundays. The sites will still be closed on Thursdays.
For more information on the Perquimans County Library, click here
To view upcoming events at the Perquimans County Library, go to
Events will be added so keep check on the listing.
The Center for Active Living holds many activities and events. For more information on the Center for Active Living, Visit Our Website
Monthly Calendars & Newsletters:
To obtain more information on upcoming events at NC Cooperative Extension, go to:
To view information on Perquimans County Economic Development, click here
Perquimans County Board of Commissioners a seeking individuals that are interested in serving on their Joint Community Advisory Committee. Community Advisory Committee (CAC) members for Nursing Homes and Adult Care Homes are trained volunteers who operate under the Regional Long- Term Care Ombudsman. Committees are made up of local citizens who have an interest in the long-term care facilities in their communities. CACs were established by the North Carolina State Legislature (G.S. 131D-31 and G.S. 131E-128) to be volunteer, grassroots advocates for resident rights in long-term care facilities and serve Nursing Homes, Adult Care Homes, and Family Care Homes within their county. CAC members are trained by the Regional Ombudsman, designated by the State Ombudsman, and appointed to their Committees by County Commissioners. Advisory Committee Members are required by North Carolina General Statutes to complete 36 hours of initial orientation and training prior to exercising any power under G.S. 131D-32. Appointees must be 18 years or older and must reside in the county that they serve. They cannot have an immediate family member residing in or employed by the type of home that their committee covers, nor can they have a financial interest in a long-term care facility. If you are interested in serving on the Community Advisory Committee in your county, please contact Mary Hunnicutt, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, at (252) 426-8484 or Melissa Hines, Regional Long- Term Care Ombudsman, at (252) 404-7086.
Perhaps you are stirred by personal experiences with older adults. Maybe you have witnessed unfair treatment, violations of dignity, gaps in supportive services, exploitation, ageism, neglect, or marginalization of the aging. The North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature (NCSTHL) was authorized by the North Carolina General Assembly to assess the needs of older citizens, promote citizen involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues, and provide information and education to older adults on legislative process and matters being considered by the NCGA. The NCSTHL develops recommendations to present to the North Carolina General Assembly for consideration. Perquimans County can appoint one delegate to the NCSTHL for a two-year term and an alternate, if available. If this seems to be something that you might be interested, Currently, Perquimans County needs to appoint an alternate delegate on the NC Senior Tar Heel Legislature. To inquire about appointment as a NCSTHL delegate or alternate, contact Jasmine Wilson (252) 426-8244 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the County Manager’s Office at (252) 426-8484 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information and an application, go to
Click Here to view the 2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports for Pasquotank and Perquimans County.
Click Here to view the 2022 Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports for Pasquotank and Perquimans County.
In order for the 911 Center to provide better protection for your business/church/organization, they are asking each organization to provide current contact names and numbers. This information will not be given to the public. Contacts will be called for law enforcement, fire or EMS request only. Request examples include: open doors, activated alarms, B&E's, suspicious conditions, etc. Please complete the following form and return it to the 911 Center located at 159 Creek Drive, Hertford, NC. Any questions, contact the 911 Center at (252) 426-5751. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Sun Mar 16 @ 7:00PM Commissioners Work Session |
Mon Mar 17 @ 7:00PM Commissioners Work Session |
Thu Mar 27 @ 5:30PM Social Services Board Meeting |
Mon Apr 07 @ 7:00PM Commissioners Regular Meeting |
Tue Apr 08 @ 7:00PM Planning Board |
Sun Apr 20 @ 7:00PM Commissioners Work Session |
Mon Apr 21 @ 7:00PM Commissioners Work Session |
Thu Apr 24 @ 5:30PM Social Services Board Meeting |
Mon May 05 @ 7:00PM Commissioners Regular Meeting |